Sunday, 25 November 2012

Purchases that are not clothes

I saw this nail polish in Boots yesterday and felt compelled to buy it; the colour reminds me of the grape hyacinth plants in my grandparents' garden that I was fascinated with as a child. It's called "Bleu fabuleux" and I put it on as quickly as soon as I was able to, during the adverts of NCIS S05E03 Ex-File. One coat was all I needed to ascertain this level of vibrance, however it has chipped slightly since I applied it yesterday.

In addition to this, I got a bright green polish called "Lime catwalk", and some Palmer's lip balm.

Nails close up

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Quick post before The Chase is on

Hello! In the past few months, what with school starting up again and getting stuck in with my A levels, time for writing a blog post has been rather scarce. My free time has been usurped by homework, or often sitting and staring at homework, in addition to reading back through notes. Aside from the necessities such as meals, I only really make time for a few minutes on Animal Crossing, a diary entry and the odd television show (although in recent weeks, NCIS has been reduced from greater than six episodes per week, to a single season 2 episode each Thursday and the occasional random s3 on a Saturday).
I can't remember where I was going with this, but The Chase is on in two minutes!

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Homework time

I've managed to leave my homework to the final two days of the half term holiday, although it isn't all my own fault. Sure, I could have commenced chemistry yesterday, or got going with German the day before, but after the hectic schedule of the past nine days, I thought it necessary to spend time winding down. On Thursday 25th October I was up before 7am to go to London for Owl City, and we didn't return 'til Friday night. Saturday was provisioned as a "chilling" day, in addition to being Derbyshire preparation day. We stayed there until Wednesday; it's now Saturday. I should do some homework.